Friday, March 4, 2011

check this out...

so i've told you about Of A Kind before, and if you haven't checked it out you really should! and if you have, do it again! they have some really lovely work, by some really great artists. they help new unique designers showcase their work through storytelling and small-batch exclusives.
i really really love these earrings.


  1. I love that necklace and I never seen anything quite like it before :)

  2. Oh gosh, those earrings and that vest! I dieee - GORGEOUS!

    Thanks for sharing. <3

  3. that sounds like such a good thing they are doing for artists and the like. fab to know about, thanks lades. happy weekend wishes. ♥

  4. Of a Kind is such an amazing site...I never leave it feeling uninspired but always leave wishing that I had an infinite supply of moola to buy all of the pretties featured :)

  5. oh wow, I'm loving all of these designs so much!!


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