Friday, February 3, 2012

a night of cupcakes...

i spent the evening at my friends house making some cupcakes that shes gonna have at a bridal show this weekend. she just started up this awesome cupcake business, the boombox bakeshop, and caters cupcakes for parties and events, and now for weddings/engagement parties etc! i'm pretty excited, and the cupcakes look soo good! i'll show you more pictures after the show! (we even made conversation heart ones!)


  1. Oh these look beyond delish. They are so beautiful too!
    Hope you had a great weekend!!

  2. YUM these look delish! my cupcakes i made over the weekend look horrible compared to these bad boys! you will love the seven layer dips though... I made the one's i posted about last week... and they were goooood!

    xxo- vanessa (the gal)


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