Friday, January 27, 2012

made at home: chocolate peanut butter cups...

so last week it was my anniversary (4 years!) with my boyfriend, and i made him these tasty treats! i've never made them before, but followed a fairly simple recipe, and they turned out really well. i will defiantly make them again, who doesn't love chocolate and peanut butter?!


  1. awe, happy anniversary to you two Katie!!! these yum delum treats must have been gobbled right up. if i was anywhere close by you know i'd be pinching several and running away with em' to nosh out. they look uh-mazing! ♥

  2. Those look incredible + I'm guessing my husband would love them!
    ♡ Lexi
    FASHION: Glitter & Pearls
    WEDDINGS: Glitter Weddings

  3. I've made these several times and they're so great! Happy 4 Years! :)

  4. oh my gosh! count me in! these look so wonderful!

    drop by allister bee soon!

  5. So pretty!! All the patterns look really amazing!

    ox from NYC!


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