Tuesday, December 28, 2010


a friend just posted a link to this site Patternity, and i love it! its full of patterns found in everyday life.

quiet time...

so tomorrow morning im off with part of the family to spend some time at our place in the woods. its been a while since i was up there, and it will be really nice to relax. theres no cable or internet hooked up there anymore, so i will be disconnected for a few days, which im kinda looking forward to. i need some time to sit around and read and relax, and i've got a few projects i want to work on without the distractions of my computer. two of the projects are non-school related, and im actually really excited to work on them. i'll fill you in later in the week. i'll be back home in time for new years, which should be a fun and low key night this year, just around the house with the man and some of our good friends. i hope you all have a good week, and have a nice fun new years!

(this is my little kitty, isn't she cute! i've started to play around with the new camera bit)

Monday, December 27, 2010

nice specs...

have you ever seen the girls with glasses? they are adorable! and now i really want a new pair of glasses, which i was actually talking about just earlier today. i've been all over the blogosphere today, i love looking for new blogs and such to checkout. let me know if you've seen anything cute lately!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

merry christmas everyone!

how was everyones christmas?! mine has been great. i'm back at home with the man and the family, and its been so nice! christmas eve i spent the day with the family, skating, evening church service, time with the boyfriends family and then back home to my parents where i spent the night. then yesterday i spent the whole day at home with the family, we opened our stockings then did presents from under the tree. my brother and sister in law and their two little girls came over for the whole day, and we all had christmas dinner together. and then today the boyfriend and little sister and i went boxing day shopping at 5am! and then back to bed till noon. and then visited the boyfriends dads side of the family and my dads side of the family! it was a super busy, but great 3 days with friends and family.
i defiantly love spending time with all my family the most on the holidays. its so nice to see everyone, and spend lots of time together. either tomorrow or tuesday most of the family is heading up to our place in the woods, im really excited to spend some down time there reading, relaxing and hanging out with my siblings.
i did also get some really great things this year. i feel super selfish that i bought my self a present this morning boxing day shopping, but it was such a good deal i couldn't say no! i got myself a little rebel! and my best friend got me a great present, one of the book lights that i blogged about a little while back. and the man got me an awesome pair of earrings that i really love. i also got some great presents from the family, my mom has great taste and knows me really well (there will be some more pictures to come later).
over all it has been a really great holiday so far. i love spending time at home with my family, and im really excited that i still have 2 weeks off of school!! i hope you all had a great holiday too!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

check this out...

so i've found this great new site, called Of A Kind. its a new website that showcases up and coming designers through a unique combination of storytelling and small-batch exclusives. check it out!

multiples project...

so i just realized that i haven't shared my Multiples Project with you guys yet. for this project we had to either make an artist series or a production line. so i made a production line, i made a silk chiffon scarf dyed and printed, a hankie/pocket poof dyed and printed, a printed messenger bag, a necklace, brooches, a coin purse with digital printed fabric, and a printed clutch. i like the way that the line came out, i used a neutral print that im really happy with. and i think that most of these pieces are items that i will produce again.

Monday, December 20, 2010

eye candy...

so i have been a little absent from the blog the last few weeks, i have been super crazy. last week was my final week of this past semester, and i have cranked out so much work! we had our final studio critique last thursday, and soon i'll be sharing some photos of my work from that with you. i also had a lot of written work to do, including a 3000 word research paper, and a 20 page business plan! it was super busy!

so heres some eye candy. i came across these designers a little while ago, and i just love their creations. the way they use the different materials is so beautiful and interesting. hope you like it too!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

eye candy...

i picked up one of these jars a while ago, and now have a few, that i like to keep random supplies and things in. and i really love this one, full of my little brooches.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

knitted bugs...

so i'm working on the bugs again, they are expanding into a swarm! i had made the wire and paper forms for an earlier project, and now they are developing into a whole swarm of experimental forms. im working with wire to knit and crochet forms, as well as make the wire frames like i did before and dip them into an array of paper pulp and newsprint.
these little guys are knitted.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

amazing large-scale knitting...

so as part of one of my studio classes, textile investigations, we've been knitting. we've had to do some research into artists, and i've been fascinated by knitters working on the large-scale. tonight i came across another awesome knitter who creates items for her home, and is also married to a carpenter, what an awesome house!

creative lights...

how awesome are these bedside table lights?! i really want one beside my bed!
made by Typewriter Boneyard, found via its simple love.

Friday, December 3, 2010

beautiful scarves...

very interesting silk scarves by a very interesting textile artist. Silken Favours is based in London, England. i also am in love with their photo shoots.

'Vicki is the creative talent and creator behind Silken Favours. An outstanding print designer, she takes a playful approach to her subjects, believing that wit and art make excellent bed fellows. Finding her inspiration in the natural world, Vicki uses traditional, intricate and very time consuming pen and ink techniques to conjure up visions of knick-knacks and keepsakes from times gone by, creating imagery that feels otherworldly yet reassuringly familiar.'

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

the beginning of something new...

im a little excited, a new project is beginning. its funny what happens when you can't sleep.
these are samples for my research paper, and now are the beginnings of my final studio project for the semester.

(photo acetate, matte medium on photocopy for a gel transfer, and digitally printed photograph on Cotton Lawn.)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

completed embroidery project!!

so its only been about 10 weeks since this project was assigned, but its all done now! and im really happy with it. the basic outline was to create a collection of hand embroidered items that fit along with a design brief. we had 3 briefs to choose from, and the general gist of the one i chose was- preppy, chic, urban, along with like 50 other ideas (craziest design brief ever.) so i decided to go for a modern-preppy chic feel, inspired by upper-east side glam.
the first picture is a brooch, the second is actually a necklace (it wasn't totally finished in time for the photo shoot), the third is a crest, and the fourth is obviously a neck detail on a tank top.
i really liked this project way more than i thought i would have, i was a little turned off by hand embroidery, but i really like the new edgy feel that i gave my work. and hopefully when i have some more time to work on things i'd really like to expand this collection.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

print, print, print...

last monday i had an excellent printing workshop in my studio class. it was really nice, just to show up, and have a fun day of printing. we tried a new technique called Breakdown Printing. basically you put your dyes right onto the screen, let them dry, and then print and see what happens. its very experimental, you don't really know how its going to print until you try. it was really fun.